Gold & blue ink dip-pen,
Canson Mi-Teintes 98lb paper, framed, glass
18” x 18”
1008 repetitions, Sanskrit, 108 of these in gold
Inscription: “I am That”
(That = Brahman, Absolute Awareness,
Sanskrit: “Soham”)
Om [blue]
Covid-19 has closed our gallery. Until we can reopen you can view exhibits as scheduled online
North Star Art Gallery and Keeler North Star Studio
Gallery Hours - Daily by Appointment - 607-323-7684
Gold & blue ink dip-pen,
Canson Mi-Teintes 98lb paper, framed, glass
18” x 18”
1008 repetitions, Sanskrit, 108 of these in gold
Inscription: “I am That”
(That = Brahman, Absolute Awareness,
Sanskrit: “Soham”)